Just go with it~

U may want to know, how my work coz this already 3rd week. I feel now......Unhappy! Because....
1) Too short time for training. Usually 6 weeks, but this training not reach 20days... How come, too mane input but practice less. I still confuse and panic when comes to scenario our trainer ask to check fare different. Hurm, really down when can't understand. How im going to face it in real situation? Mampos keras~

2) I must to change my online name due to senior agent also have same name with me. Then trainer advice to change my online name, whatever name, glamour name, nick name, perasan name...So i list down all name that i like people to called me include Serena. First, accepted. When i already get familiar with that name, its rejected coz have similar pronounciation with other agent name, Rina. Then i ask for idea from my friends tru FB, then they give me all lovely name, flower name and im so get idea from Nama-nama Islam. I list down several name, Jasmine the 1st of the list because trainer said can use Yasmin. That ok, i like Jasmine too... The next day, it was also rejected!!! So fed-up. Trainer give idea of name; Jun or Daisy. Coz of myampah to think it over again, i choose Daisy and the trainer start called me that name. But I feel unhappy coz thats not my name, i feels like other person, and Daisy is not one of my favourite name. But, Whatever!!!

3) In just 3 weeks for training, i got low blood pressure due too not enough rest or maybe coz before this too relaxing, then start working for 9 hours, haaa...tekezut agaknyer...But, thats is not a big deal actually...

4) I dont think i can manage to work 6days a week, 9 hours a day. Its too tired for my tiny body. (mengada kan?)
Whatever it is, im just sharing what i feel n think. I will not do same mistake like previous time. What i need to do, PATIENCE and PERSISTANCE. Do not give up, run-away is not solve the problem. Just stay, and think the solution. Maybe the solution right in front of me, i juz need to looking for it.

For the time being, im searching for better offer and hope for goverment sector. May all the best for me and for my future. Keep smile and work things out. Chill yaaaa =)

Jage diri, hiasi peribadi...

Yesterday, im on MC. Went to clinic to check n got MC for the day. Doc said, my blood pressure under 100. Apaa....Biar betul ni???

No wonder la blk dr keje slalu pening2, pusing2. Ingatkan coz kuar dr bilik aircond, then kena panas, sbb tu pening2. Rupenyer Low Blood Pressure...

Dulu mase kuat melenting, kuat marah2, kuat mengamuk n tak reti sabar, darah asik menyirap je, ade potential tuk high blood pressure coz ayah pun ade HBD.

Ni bile da reti bertenang, da leh tahan sabar, da jarang marah2...Low BD plak...

Macam2 hal...Tak pe la, penyakit tekanan darah leh diperbaiki or diubati...Klu penyakit busuk hati, dengki mendengki, iri hati, keras hati, semua penyakit hati. Tu lagi sukar tuk diubati. Betul kan???

Jage diri, hiasi peribadi...hehehe...cam biasa dengar je kan.. Kat mane ek? hehehe~


Minggu ni masuk minggu ke-3 training and takkan ade minggu ke-4 training okay. Terus je online minggu depan. Waaaa....Actually im not ready to be online so soon. Dgn nama yang tak appove2 nye. Nama aku tak leh dijadikan nama online coz similar with other agent name. So need to figure out new name n i will hold that name for my entire life im working here... So far ok je keje i, but not familiar yet with the system. That worse actually coz the work is completely using that system. Hurm..i try my best. i have my idol. If she can do it, i also can!

p/s: Ya Allah, kuatkan la semangat aku untuk teruskan keje ni. Amin.

Kasut tumit tinggi...

Kalau pompuan rendah leh pakai kasut tumit tinggi. Klu lelaki rendah, camne? ahaks...Ade la skrg...Ade kasut ni tuk wat kita tinggi. Laki pompuan pun leh pakai...Giraffe Shoes namenye...

K, back to the topic...Girl bile kuar dgn boyfie nak nampak lawa, cun, same tinggi gitu dgn boyfie so di rembatnyer kasut tumit tinggi yang of coz la lawa kan. Lalu berdating la dgn boyfie kesayangan. Jalan2 cari pasal dan cari makan tetibe... Girl jalan da tak betul...Alaaaaaa, sakit kaki la...!! Jalan da cam tgh pantang. Kebetulan jenjalan kat Times Square. Tup-tup, beli selipar RM10 sbb tanak pakai kasut tumit da...
Boyfie pun kate: "Ala, da pendek da.." Hahahah!

p/s: klu rase2 nk jalan jauh takyah pkai heels bagai. Pakai sliper sudaa...Klu nk pkai pun, make sure heels tu sesuai tuk pakai jenjalan. klu stakat kasut canti, tp sakit, what for? Hang pikir la sendiri...~


Seruan Transformers: Wow, sume advance...sampai nangis2 sesedey tak pat tgk coz ticket sold out.
Seruan Azan: Umm, nt dulu la...Mase banyak lg. Silap2 ade yg kata, takpe, leh qada' je. Ish3~

p/s: Ini peringatan tuk diri saye sendiri =)